Dear Member,

 We have been made aware by senior garda management of concerns by Revenue surrounding the current processes involved in the claiming of travel and subsistence allowances. We have been engaging in intensive talks regarding this matter. We have now been informed that garda management will post specific details regarding this matter on the AGS Portal later this evening. The GRA have strongly voiced our concerns and our dissatisfaction regarding any possible erosion of current travel and subsistence claims. We will continue to engage with senior management to address these serious concerns. 

Meanwhile, as you may be aware, national pay talks have been ongoing but were adjourned in the early hours of this morning without agreement. There is some distance between the demands of the unions and staff associations present and the offer currently tabled by government.

We will continue to engage and we will provide further updates to all members when and if talks resume in the days and weeks ahead.

 As for the ongoing Rosters negotiations, we hope to resume these talks in the next two weeks. These talks have been adjourned since before the Christmas break and progress was temporarily halted due to the ongoing pay talks. However, if any agreement is reached in principle, this will be presented to the Central Executive Committee prior to any potential ballot.

Ronan Slevin, General Secretary, GRA