The GRA is the collective voice of members of Garda rank in An Garda Síochána and has a current membership of circa 11,000 members. It is important that you have your say to influence the direction of the Association. There is strength in numbers
Key benefits of membership of the Garda Representative Association (GRA)
Entitled to advice from District/Divisional representatives at local level on discipline, rosters, transfers and welfare.
Obtaining advice and representation from a Regional Industrial Relations Officer (IRO) in relation to workplace IR issues from Divisional level up to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) and the Labour Court.
Representation at National level, through the President and General Secretary, from the Garda Commissioner up to and including the Government on issues affecting pay, pensions, welfare and working conditions of our members.
Garda Síochána Review Body – the GRA is represented by a member of the CEC on the Review Body which considers appeals against transfers.
Garda Síochána Appeals Board – the GRA is represented by a member of the CEC on the Appeals Board established under the Garda Síochána Discipline Regulations.
Legal Assistance Scheme – Legal Advice – the GRA offers a choice of Solicitors. First consultation is free to GRA members. The GRA will continue to finance appropriate cases for legal assistance in accordance with the terms of the scheme.
GRA Illness/Injury scheme of €75.00 per week, after an excess period of five weeks, for a maximum of thirteen weeks in any two-year period where there is no claim against the State or third party involved. Absences arising from an injury on duty or where a third party is involved are not covered under the scheme.
Memorandum of Understanding: The MOU is an agreement between on the one hand, the Minister for Justice and, on the other hand, the Garda Síochána Representative Associations with a view to addressing and resolving issues that arise with Garda management at the earliest possible stage, in the first instance at District or Divisional level before it can be progressed to a higher level.
Additional benefits – GRA schemes
Eligible to access specially negotiated Group Insurance/Assurance Plans including:
GRA Travel Plan – Annual multi-trip Travel Insurance.
Garda Síochána Life Assurance Plan for GRA member, spouse/partner and children.
GRA Specified Illness Cover Plan for GRA member, spouse/partner and children.
Income Protection Plan.
Household Insurance.
Register on GRA Benefits Portal – wide range of benefits and products available.
Benefits for Trainee Gardai
GRA Life Assurance Plan benefit of €30,000 for the initial training period of 32 weeks – increased to €60,000 for the next 32 weeks at no cost to the Trainee Garda.
GRA Specified Illness Plan cover for a benefit of €42,500 for the initial training period at no cost to the Trainee Garda.
GRA Travel Insurance
The GRA has arranged an Annual Multi-Trip Travel Insurance Scheme which is underwritten by Blue Insurance. The Annual premium is €109.00 per annum. This premium covers you, your spouse/partner and children under the age of 18 (or under 23 if full time education) for a full 12 month period.
GRA members who wish to avail of the GRA travel plan Scheme can simply book online below or alternatively for immediate cover call Blue Insurances.
Website: blueinsurance.ie
Phone: 0818 286 451
Member Information
Please log in to the Portal to access all GRA member information and latest new stories and events.