Conduct & Performance Rules Regulations Bill
Reaction by GRA General Secretary Ronan Slevin to Ministers announcement of the above Regulations being enacted next Wednesday, April 2.
“Minister O’Callaghan’s statement comes as quite a shock to the GRA as we have yet to finalise our consultation with his department.
“The GRA only received the updated draft of the proposed Performance Regulations last Wednesday and have yet to have a meeting with the department regarding our submissions. This timeline will now not allow that to happen.
“Members of An Garda Síochána are unique and their role and responsibilities are demanding. We are exempt from the Unfair Dismissals Act and are prohibited from forming a union and from engaging in strike action.
“As such, we would expect that our Minister and this Government would ensure that we would have similar protections as every other employee in the State, at the very minimum.
“It is disappointing that the Minister is now bringing in legislation that will remove our member’s protections and dilute their terms and conditions.
“There is no point in lauding the great work done by our dwindling workforce in high pressure and demanding situations in the media, while at the same time reducing their protections and treating them differently than every other employee within the State.
“When these regulations come into force on the 2nd of April, there will be no process to deal with any minor breach of conduct or performance under these regulations. This will result in a disciplined force not being subject to sanctions for any minor breach. Any attempt to encompass minor breaches under these regulations will be opposed strenuously.
“I had hoped that the Minister would recognise the submissions made by the GRA regarding the issues of the appeal board, including garda staff in these regulations which only govern sworn garda members, and the lack of an informal process for minor breaches.
“It is seriously disappointing to see that the Minister supports and approves that an already demoralised, under-resourced workforce deserves to be treated less favourably than every other employee. I fear this will simply tell our members how undervalued and underappreciated their role and work ethic truly is.
"The GRA is a solution based organisation but whatever is passed through has to meet the criteria and needs of our Association to protect the terms, protections and welfare of all our membership. No more eroding of our conditions, full stop.
"If this legislation is pushed through in its current form we can not and will not support this. We will now meet as a collective, democratic group to decide whatever next steps are necessary to react to this departure."